Time to START ladies!
Just like we set an alarm 🚨 it’s time to set goals for forming new healthy habits. Set goals that are challenging yet achievable. You’ll be surprised at how motivating achieving your first goal will be!
Don’t just settle for mastering 3 goals. Set another one. Then another one. That feeling of accomplishment dies wonders for you. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Remember we should be striving to better ourselves everyday so we can become who we want to be!
See my goals below 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
⏰Use that Booty Kicker that came in a month ago to help with my weight management
⏰ Spend more time with the boys (Rigby’s Waterpark season passes)
⏰Write! I’m putt words to paper in hopes of publishing a self love journaling book.
#setgoalsandthencrushthem #goals #healthyhabits #crushingit #journaling #selflove #selfcare #embracinglifeafterchange